Between instrument and everyday sound
2010-2013, Viva voce 2014 Ruben Sverre Gjertsen
The aim of the project is to explore multidimentional, amorphous and vague expressions arising when many musical parameters are given more independent roles than in traditional musical écriture. Approaches are melodics and morphing in extended definitions, used inways questioning sound identities and exploring transitional zones between everyday sound and instrumental sound. This can best be explored in diverse constellations. I therefore aim the project towards a sound installation in form of an hour work for ensemble, voices and electronics, placed in a location where musicians and loudspeakers can be freely distributed throughout the entire space.
The main work Landscape with figures II was premiered 7/9-2013, Dansens Hus, Oslo (Ultima) by Song Circus, Oslo Sinfonietta and Notam. Concluding reflection, web version at this site. Also available at
Documentation (pdfs) Project description (english) Project summary (english) Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk) 3 Manual Microtonal Organ The Ruben-OM patch library Concluding reflection Artistic results created as part of the project PSI for cello solo Installation at Troldhaugen Landscape with figures I
Sketches for past works and works in progress |